Honorary Service Awards (HSA)


The Honorary Service Awards program is designed by California PTA to recognize and honor the dedication of individuals and organizations in local communities for service benefiting youth.  Collins Elementary PTA is proud to participate in the HSA Program.

Category of awards include:


Click here to submit your HSA Nomination

Nominations due in March 2025.

All nominations will be considered and are confidential. Only the Collins HSA Committee reviews the nominations.

The HSA Committee is selected each year and is comprised of PTA members and parents.  The HSA Committee reviews all of the nominations against the criteria for each award. Individuals and/or organizations who receive the awards are announced and recognized by Collins Elementary PTA through various communication platforms.

If you are interested in being on the HSA Committee please contact President@CollinsPTA.org.

Make your acknowledgment of a noteworthy individual or organization and submit your nomination today!

Congrats to our 2023-24  HSA winners!!